About Our Schools
Welcome to our district!
Mission Statement
The mission of Anna Community Consolidated School District #37 is to serve every student so that he or she will be provided an equal educational opportunity to achieve maximum potential. The students and staff will strive to increase achievement, while recognizing the unique nature of each student. These goals will be achieved within a caring and structured educational environment, which emphasizes individual responsibility and social values.
Philosophy of Education
The board of education believes that the primary purpose of our school is to aid in the development of our youth to become good citizens.
This will:
1. Involve activities for the acquisition of the basic skills and background for specialized skills.
2. Imply a familiarity with the best of the past and current cultures and such knowledge as contributes to the primary goals.
3. Require the cultivation of those attitudes and perceptions which enable the individual to correlate and to resolve his/her individual interests with the common goal.
4. Be best accomplished in an atmosphere and environment conducive to the successful acquisition of knowledge and scholarship. Because we believe in our American democracy, we will aim for an understanding by our pupils of the evolving American way of life as contrasted with other systems. The goal should result in an enlightened, loyal citizen, ready to support our heritage and institutions in every way of life and be alert to the increasing challenge facing our nation in international affairs. Our school, as a public institution, should strive to provide those experiences which meet the present and future needs of all our pupils and of all our citizens.