Good morning. Due to winter precipitation and current road conditions, Anna CCSD #37 will have a SNOW DAY today, January 25, 2023.
almost 2 years ago, Julie Bullard
District #37 Families, the winter weather isn't expected until late tonight or early tomorrow morning. Because of this, we most likely will be unable to make a decision about school until tomorrow morning. According to our e-learning plan, we will only use an e-learning day if we can inform families of this in advance. This means that if inclement weather does hit the district tonight or tomorrow morning, we will have a good, old-fashioned snow day. Please have a plan in place just in case.
almost 2 years ago, Julie Bullard
Shawn Fleming’s bus will be 15 minutes late this afternoon on Tuesday, January 24th
almost 2 years ago, Rob Lannom
Due to the timing of tonight’s potential weather, we will not be able to make a decision/call about tomorrow until tomorrow morning. Therefore, if we have to cancel school tomorrow, it will be an emergency/snow day. This being the case, it will not be necessary to send chromebooks or work home with students today. Thank you
almost 2 years ago, Mark Laster
Practice for 4th, 5th, and 6th grade boys will be from 5:30 to 7:00 instead of 3:30 to 5:00.
almost 2 years ago, Rob Lannom
Anna CCSD #37 families, we are tracking the winter weather that is possible Tuesday night into Wednesday. Based on our e-learning plan, we will only call an e-learning day if parents can be notified in advance. Students will likely come home with e-learning materials on Tuesday just in case this weather materializes. We do offer breakfast and lunch to students who need this service. If your child will need breakfast and lunch in case of an e-learning day, please call the school office by 8:30 a.m. Tuesday morning to request that these are sent home with your child. Thank you!
almost 2 years ago, Julie Bullard
Any 4th grade boy wanting to try out for 5th and 6th grade boys basketball we will have practice on Monday January 23, 2023 from 5:30 to 7:00. Your child will need a sports physical and permission slip signed. Please have your child show upon Monday and we will work on the physical and permission slip.
almost 2 years ago, Rob Lannom Revised 5/6 girls basketball schedule
almost 2 years ago, Webmaster
Any boys wanting to try out for the 5th and 6th grade boys basketball, there will be a tryouts on Tuesday January 17 from 3:30 to 5:00. There will be a schedule given out for the next two weeks on that Tuesday. Each student must have a physical and parent permission wavier. I know this is a short notice, I apologize for that, if a student wants to try out and doesn’t have either one done please come to practice and we will get it worked out.
about 2 years ago, Rob Lannom
Attention all 8th grade parents/guardians. There will be a parent meeting to discuss the upcoming 8th grade celebration. Any and all interested parents are encouraged to come. Meeting will be held in the junior High cafeteria on Monday January 30, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.
about 2 years ago, Rob Lannom
Anna 37 parents and guardians. District 37 schools were on an external lockdown this morning due to an incident in Williamson county. This was a precautionary action only. There was no immediate threat in Anna. The threat has been contained, and our external lockdown has been lifted. Had this been an immediate threat to our community, this notification would have been sent earlier. Thank you
about 2 years ago, Mark Laster
Tonights varsity boys basketball game has been cancelled. The boys JV team will practice from 3:15-5:00 PM. The varsity team will have an optional shoot around from 3:15 - 5:00 PM. Thank you and have a good weekend.
about 2 years ago, Mark Laster
January 26th starting at 1:30 will be the D.A.R.E. Graduation for 5th Grade D.A.R.E. students. Friends and Family are welcome to attend. More information to come.
about 2 years ago, Webmaster
4th, 5th, & 6th grade Girls basketball will start tryouts/practice on Monday, January 9. We will practice Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday from 3:30-5. We will not practice on Tuesday, January 10. All girls interested in playing are expected to attend all practices. Please make sure to have physicals turned in to the office before practice Monday. If you have any questions, you may contact Pat Pitts or Jenny Sadler.
about 2 years ago, Rob Lannom
6th-8th grade Volleyball Open Gym Monday January 2 from 4pm-6pm. Tryouts will be on Tuesday, January 3 and Wednesday, January 4 from 5-7.
about 2 years ago, Rob Lannom
The Autism Society of Southern Illinois sponsored an Ugly Christmas Sweater fundraiser this year. While District #37 didn’t participate in the fundraiser, we always promote Autism Awareness and our staff joined in the fun!
about 2 years ago, Julie Bullard
McFarland sweater
shearer sweater
Ladonna sweater
group sweater
Anna CCSD #37 had a special visit from the Peppermint Elf today. The kids got to enjoy peppermints snowing down on them as they entered the building today.
about 2 years ago, Julie Bullard
elf on the roof
To view the program tonight on YouTube, go to and click on Winter Program in the red banner between Calendar and Board of Education For those watching on their phones and do not see the top red banner, click on "Explore" and you will find "Winter Program" click there and it will take you to the page you need
about 2 years ago, Webmaster
This a reminder that on Friday December 16, 2022. School will dismiss at 2:15.
about 2 years ago, Rob Lannom
There will be no After School Daycare this Friday, December 16th. Daycare will start back up again, after break, on Tuesday, January 3rd.
about 2 years ago, Rob Lannom